<Welcome to my new blog>
I hope you will come back frequently to view updates, announcements, tips and some good conversation. Please feel free to leave a comment and definitely sign-in on our "Contact Us" page to be added to our customer list. You never know when you will need assistance with your finances. I promise not to flood your email with advertisements and promotions.
As you have seen throughout our website, we offer a number of accounting and tax services and will work with you and/or your company to design an engagement, large or small, to meet your needs AND YOUR BUDGET. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for interesting "DID YOU KNOW" tips of the day (refer to the home page for these links).
This is a family run business and our primary focus is customer satisfaction. In fact, you are the best advertising we can invest in. So, give us a call or send us a message and let's work together to bring your finances to the next level (or just work on saving you some money).
Until next time...The Friendly Accountant.